Case Studies – Black Sails
SY Black Sails – 39m Wally
BMComposites was called upon to design and manufacture new helm consoles for SY Black Sails, the iconic 39m Wally superyacht.
The visually-striking design and prominent positioning on board called for the precise manufacturing of the components, which were finished in a clear coating to show off the meticulous carbon fibre construction. The design was split into two separate modules – the sleek helm pedestal, featuring a minimal amount of engine and thruster controls and a separate switch panel of hydraulic and sail control buttons, which pivoted out of the yacht’s side combings by means of a custom-designed soft-eject closing mechanism.
The helms also featured a back-lit trim line running around the periphery of the pedestals, which BMComposites achieved by developing innovative techniques to inlay laser wire during the manufacturing process.