Case Studies – Velsheda
In the on-going search for weight reduction within this class of racing classics, Velsheda approached BMComposites to replace the old plywood subdeck with its composite deck lining system. This is not only lightweight, but durable and also resistant to moisture ingress.
All of the several hundred deck fittings were firstly removed and meticulously logged for later re-installation. The old deck and subdeck were removed and the aluminium deck prepared in advance of BMComposites laying lightweight SAN foam core panels across the entire deck, carefully ensuring that the original deck levels were maintained. Each deck fitting location required a solid composite insert to be accurately cut and imbedded in the foam core. Finally, the whole assembly was encapsulated with glass fibre to seal the deck against moisture ingress and provide a solid, even foundation for the teak deck installation.

The Result
The BMComposites install team worked closely with the Vesheda crew, paint and teak decking contractors from start to final re-install of deck fittings in a phased process, which allowed the most time efficient schedule for the deck refit. Velsheda was launched on schedule shortly after her 90th birthday and went on to compete in the 2023 summer racing season.