The leading range of advanced
composite materials


Some of our team have now been working in the composite industry for more than 30 years.  This has given us an incredible background knowledge into the technical properties of composite materials and how best to use them.

Along with many professionals in the industry, BMComposites have chosen to use Gurit who are the leading global supplier of composite materials.


Gurit PVC range
Gurit PVC range
carbon & glass
carbon & glass
Gurit KS -53
Gurit KS -53
SPRINT carbon
SPRINT carbon

Head Office

Muelle Viejo

Edificio Espigon Exterior

RS Global Building

Oficina 7, 07012

Palma de Mallorca


Tel. (+34) 971 254 181



Carrer Cal Jutge 4

Poligono Son Morro

CP: 07007 Palma

Illes Balears

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